Vanilla Sponge Cake
– 500g self-raising flour
– 500g butter, at room temperature
– 500g caster sugar
– 500g eggs, cracked
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C / gas mark 4.
Cream butter and caster sugar until fluffy.
Alternate adding eggs and flour small at a time until fully mixed.
Pour the mixture into 2 greased 6inch tins.
Place them in the oven till golden brown for 45 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack before serving.
Busi Christian-Iwuagwu
Thank you
Hi Busi i am an avid fan of your channel and ai would one day like to do what you do. How easy was it to get started and did you go to college to train??? Also I am goingvto attempt to make my own wedding cake and wasvwondering what is the best cske i.e spobge or madeira to cover eith fobdant
Busi christian-iwuagwu
Hello Nyasha. Thank you for supporting my channel. It is very easy to get started once you put your mind to it. I am self taught in most things, did some training after i had already started my business just to formalize things but you can easily learn from home.
you can use any cake sponge or madeira for wedding cake. they are both good and easy to cover with fondant.