The Profroster: How to get sharp edges on cakes using The Profroster UK
My quest for sharp edges on cakes has led me on a search for the best tool to achieve sharp edges on ganache cakes or buttercream cakes. I first spotted The Profroster a year ago on facebook and fell in love with it staright away. I was not convinced at first to spent that much money on a cake scrapper so I did not buy it straight away. I went on to purchase ganaching disks instead and those cost me upto £80 at that time and I barely use them because I hate washing up all those discs after afterwards and you can not use the discs on the next cake unitl the other cakes have firmed enough to slide them off. With the profroster, use cake wash it quickly and use on next cake without wasting time waiting for the discs on the other cakes in the fridge. I finally purchase my profroster in 2016 and very happy with it. In this tutorial show you how to use The Profroster to create sharpe edges on a round cake using white chocolate ganache.
How to get sharp edges on cakes using The Profroster UK
!! Remember to slide it on from the top or else you can damage or weaken the tool !!!
- I use a 8 inch cake and 8 inch cake drum. I filled the cakes with swiss meringue buttercream and jam then crumb coated with ganache, then chilled the cake in the fridge for 30 minutes to 1 hour for the chocolate ganache to harden.
- This tool works with buttercream and other frosting too. in this tutorial i used white chocolate ganache.
- Once crumb has hardened, ice the cake with a lot of ganache on the top and sides of the cake. It does not need to look perfect at this point.
- Assemble The Profroster and seen in video, by widening the gap of the shorter bar using your thumb and slide it on to the longer bar from the top. Allow the pins to click into the designed hole and make sure the grove at the other side is in the right place as well.
- Place The Profroster on the side of the cake and adjust to desired height and you are ready to go.
- Make sure the wide the wide base of The Profroster is resting on the cake board before starting to smooth the cake.
- With one hand on the turn table and the other holding the the base of The Profroster, start scraping the cake turning The Profroster and the turntable in opposite direction.
- Clean The Profroster between each turn and add more ganache to the cake if there are any gaps and hole on the surfaces.
- I normally repeat the above 2 steps 2-3 times before i can get my desired sharp edges on sides, top of the cake and crisp corners.
- If there is a little damage on top were the tool can not reach then add a little with a palate knife and smooth over